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Morrison Public Schools

We are Wildcats! We Want More!

Wildcat Athletics

Hillary Patterson







Athletics Director

Hillary Patterson


Wildcats Athletics

Morrison Wildcat Athletics’ mission is to foster a positive and inclusive sports environment emphasizing character development, teamwork, and leadership. We are committed to inspiring student-athletes to achieve their personal best, both on and off the field, while promoting sportsmanship, resilience, and a lifelong love for athletics. Through dedication and collaboration, we aim to build a strong community that empowers our athletes to excel and grow as individuals.

We are Wildcats Logo


Health & Safety

Wildcats Athletics believes that the essence of our community lies in sports health and sportsmanship. These values are not just important—they're the heartbeat of our team! 












  • All students who participate in Morrison Public Schools athletics or marching band must have a physical form and affidavit on file. Please download and take the forms with your student to have their physical performed. 

    OSSAA Physical Form

  • School and sports staff play a vital role in creating a culture that values safety and open communication, encourages youth to report concussion symptoms, and supports youth throughout the process of recovery.

    Passed in 2010 and updated in 2016, Oklahoma's concussion law (70 O.S. § 24-155) requires governing boards of public school districts and youth sports organizations to develop policies on concussion education, prevention, and management.

    Concussion & Head Injury Acknowledgement Form

    Fact Sheet: Concussion & Head Injury - Parent

    Fact Sheet: Concussion & Head Injury - Student

    Fact Sheet: Concussion & Head Injury - Coaches

  • Statement of Purpose and Intent: Participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities at the Morrison School District is a privilege and not a right. The Wildcat Code of Conduct is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, both inside and outside of school and/or school-related activities. All students participating in extracurricular activities and their parents/guardians must sign the contract each year of participation in the activity. In order for the student to participate after that date, the participant and parent must once again sign said form, which in turn will commit the participant just as stated above. Code violations and consequences do, however, carry over from one year to the next. The privilege to participate in any activity is governed by the district policy on Student Possession or Use of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs and Participation in Extracurricular Activities. Alcohol and illegal drug use of any kind is incompatible with participation in extracurricular activities on behalf of the Morrison Public Schools. Students who participate in these activities are respected by the student body and are expected to hold themselves as good examples of conduct, sportsmanship, and training. Accordingly, student participants in extracurricular activities carry a responsibility to themselves, their fellow students, their parents, and their school to set the highest possible examples of conduct, which includes avoiding the use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs.

    Drug Policy for Extracurricular Activities

    Extracurricular Activities Contract

  • The Spectator Code of Conduct at Wildcat athletic events is crucial for ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. This code outlines the expected behavior of spectators, promoting respect for players, coaches, officials, and fellow fans. By adhering to these guidelines, we can create an atmosphere of sportsmanship and support that enhances the excitement of the games. It is important for all attendees to understand and follow this code to foster a community where everyone feels welcome and appreciated.

    Spectator Code of Conduct at Athletics Programs


Cross Country



  • squard

  • Squad


  • 2024-2025 HS Basketball Schedule

    HS Girls Head Coach: Hillary Patterson

    HS Boys Head Coach: Jared Griffin












Track & Field

Athletic Events

Accessibility View of Full-Page Calendar